Caution: Our Top 10 SCARIEST Articles

With Halloween upon us, it is time to present you, our dear readers, with this year's scariest & creepiest stories.From the nightmare of probate to court cases involving filial responsibility, we uncovered some scary … [Read more...]

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Caregiving Across the Miles

Q. I live in Northern Virginia, 700 miles away from my parents, who are in Florida. My father has Parkinson’s and insists on staying in our family home. His mobility has diminished, and I worry about him falling nearly every day. … [Read more...]

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NASA SmartWatch, Implanted Health Devices, and Other New Technology for Seniors

Is Grandpa going gadget-crazy? Not quite yet, but we are getting there. According to a recent Pew Research survey, the number of older adults using the internet and related tech devices is increasing, with 59% of seniors reporting … [Read more...]

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Choosing a Guardian for Your Children: Things to Consider

Nancy and Nick have three children -- Emmitt, Nicole, and Alexa. Very warm and loving parents, Nancy and Nick make education a top priority, and hope to instill their deep-rooted culture and values in their children. Neither Nancy … [Read more...]

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Important Medicare Change: Patients No Longer Need to Show Progress to Receive Nursing Coverage

Medicare coverage of short-term rehabilitation in a nursing home is about to undergo a major policy change, resulting in beneficiaries with chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s … [Read more...]

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Planning for Long-Term Care (Part 1)

Are you one of the millions of Americans over age 50 who has not yet started planning for long-term care?As financially responsible adults, most of us are prepared for some unexpected disasters – we pay for health and property … [Read more...]

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The Reverse Mortgage Saga Part 5: “How the Farr Law Firm is Helping Clients Stay at Home”

“Presume not that I am the thing I was,” wrote William Shakespeare in the play, 2 Henry IV, reminding us that nothing stays the same.On the personal side, we all change over time; our families and our other assets grow and … [Read more...]

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Tackling the “Sibling Situation”

Siblings often have trouble agreeing on anything, so why should it be any different when it comes to Mom and Dad’s elder care?  Unfortunately those of us in elder law see quite often how families have a very difficult time when it … [Read more...]

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Are you feeling HOT, HOT, HOT?

As I’m sure you’ve heard (and felt!) this week has already shown record-breaking temperatures across the country, and this heat wave is only expected to move further east through the end of this week. Temperatures are expected to … [Read more...]

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Using a Reverse Mortgage to Pay for Home Care

Many of my clients ask me how I feel about reverse mortgages, and even more so this past week because of a favorable story that appeared in last week's Washington Post entitled "Reverse Mortgages are Not the Next Subprime."  This … [Read more...]

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