
The Life-Saving Benefits of Vascular Screenings

As we age, protecting our vascular health is just as important as monitoring our cardiac health, yet many people (including many cardiologists) completely overlook the vascular system and vascular screenings — until it’s too late. … [Read more...]

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How Do Recent State and Federal Laws Impact Our Nation’s Caregivers?

Emily Sagle of Stafford, VA, is a full-time caregiver for her 11-year-old son, William. He’s nonverbal, autistic, and suffers from various medical and genetic conditions that make it difficult for him to attend public school. Due … [Read more...]

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News Alert: Did Yesterday’s Medicaid Payment System “Blackout” Change Anything?

Temporary Medicaid BlackoutYesterday, President Trump’s administration announced a freeze on federal grants and loans to assess their alignment with the administration’s priorities. Although Social Security, Medicare, and … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: New Law Gives a Significant Boost to Veterans and Their Caregivers

Dear Hayek,I heard that a new law was recently enacted that enhances the delivery of services for veterans, their families, their caregivers, and their survivors. Can you tell me more about it?Vetta Rinns---Dear … [Read more...]

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Top 25 Life Hacks for Seniors with Limited Mobility

“There must be a better way!” For those with limited mobility, this statement likely sounds familiar. While navigating ways to live more comfortably and independently, many turn to medical equipment, which can be helpful but … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: How to Talk to Your Loved One About Their Mobility Issues 

Dear Kiwi and Mango, I recently noticed my mother was having mobility problems. We were at a family gathering this past weekend, and she was in the living room when she lost her balance and fell. This happened a few other … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Helping a Loved One Feel More at Home in a Nursing Home

Dear Angel,My mom just moved to a nursing home and I want her to be happy and comfortable. Although she seems content, she has asked once or twice about returning home. What are the best ways to address this? Also, how can I … [Read more...]

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