A reverse mortgage, technically called a HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage), enables homeowners over age 62 to convert a portion of their home equity into income-tax-free funds to pay for in-home care, medical devices and equipment, and home accessibility modifications necessary to age in place during declining health — while potentially insulating their other assets from significant depletion. By using the strategies explained in the linked NAELA Journal article written by fellow Elder Law attorney and reverse mortgage loan officer Stephen R. Pepe, clients whose choice of long-term care setting is their home will discover that a HECM can sometimes outperform long-term care insurance policies in terms of the amount of money available for care, the versatility of those funds, startup costs, and ongoing out-of-pocket costs.
Click here for the full article.
If you’re interested in a HECM reverse mortgage for yourself, please call us at 703-691-1888. We help our clients who desire to use their home equity to pay for in-home care secure a reverse mortgage, even inside of our irrevocable Living Trust Plus® Asset Protection Trust, so they are not forced to move to a senior facility if that is not their wish.
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