Q. My 70-year-old aunt, who I am very close with, has had a rapid decline in the last few months. She started losing her memory pretty quickly over the past few months and began slurring her speech. The strangest symptoms are her … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat if It Resembles Dementia or Parkinson’s, But It’s Actually a Treatable Disorder?
An Incurable Optimist Confronts an Incurable Disease in His Recent Documentary
Parkinson’s is a degenerative disease that has affected many celebrities over the years, including Muhammad Ali, Neil Diamond, Jesse Jackson, Ozzy Osbourne, and Linda Ronstadt. But of course the most notable celebrity with the … [Read more...]
Print This PageA Personal Message about Parkinson’s, Depression, and Planned Suicide
My brother, Jory, ended his own life and suffering yesterday through a very deliberate planned suicide. Jory fought a brave battle for many years as he struggled with major depressive disorder since his early twenties and was … [Read more...]
Print This PagePart 2: New Amazing Parkinson’s Diagnostic Tools and Treatments
Q. I read your newsletter this past Tuesday about the amazing new diagnostic tools and treatment options available for Alzheimer’s. Is there anything similar for Parkinson’s? My dad is 75 and suffers from Parkinson’s, and any new … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: How Pets Support People with Parkinson’s Disease
Dear Raider, My mom has Parkinson’s disease. We live a half hour away and try to see her as much as we can. I think having a pet will help her to stay active and feel loved. We always had miniature poodles growing up. Do you … [Read more...]
Print This PageIt’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month: How Michael J. Fox Is Forging Ahead
“Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there’s got to be a way through it.”- Michael J. Fox April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a good time to learn about the … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: How is Deep Brain Stimulation Being Used for Parkinson’s?
Dear Oakley, In a recent newsletter, Mr. Farr wrote about Deep Brain Stimulation for Alzheimer’s. He mentioned how it’s been used for Parkinson’s patients for years. My mother has Parkinson’s and this might be something we … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat is Neuropalliative Care and Why is it a Good Option for those with Progressive Neurological Diseases?
Q. My father was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia six months ago. We are trying to figure out the best type of care for him at this stage and into the future. I know a bit about palliative care and think that it could be a good … [Read more...]
Print This PageHow Space is Changing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Research
Space research is behind numerous innovations, including GPS systems for navigation, air purifiers, and 3D printers. But it is not just technology that is getting better because of space flights. Zero gravity changes the human … [Read more...]
Print This PageRobin Williams Would Have Been 70 This Year — What We Now Know About His Lewy Body Dementia
On July 21, 2021, comedian and actor Robin Williams would have turned 70. Seven years prior, he suffered from an undiagnosed neurodegenerative disease, later determined to be Lewy Body Dementia, which led him to take his own … [Read more...]
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