Caution: Our Top 10 SCARIEST Articles

With Halloween upon us, it is time to present you, our dear readers, with this year's scariest & creepiest stories.From the nightmare of probate to court cases involving filial responsibility, we uncovered some scary … [Read more...]

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Six Myths About Falls

Q. I recently visited my parents, who are in their 70’s, and have been worried ever since. My father, Sam, fell three times during the two days I was there. Often, my mother, Elaine, has lunch out and quilts with her friends, … [Read more...]

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What Costs Billions per Year and is the Leading Cause of Traumatic Brain Injury?

Each year, one in every three adults age 65 and older falls, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  These falls can cause devastating consequences; falls are the most common cause of Traumatic Brain Injuries, according … [Read more...]

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