These are Responsible for 40% of All Injury Deaths

Q. Recently, we got a call from the emergency room that my husband’s grandmother fell outside of a store and fractured her wrist. It was a rainy night and she slipped on the ramp walking out of the store.Typically, when you … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Home Modifications for Fall Prevention

Dear Angel,We just found out that my father will be moving in with us. He is in his 70’s, has Parkinson’s, arthritis, and is in a wheelchair a lot of the time. We don’t have much money to renovate, but we want to make sure … [Read more...]

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Six Myths About Falls

Q. I recently visited my parents, who are in their 70’s, and have been worried ever since. My father, Sam, fell three times during the two days I was there. Often, my mother, Elaine, has lunch out and quilts with her friends, … [Read more...]

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