“All Through the Night” is a short film starring actor Tim Daly as a father living with Alzheimer’s and Luke Slattery playing his son. Writer/director Graham Marvin, 35, wrote this film about his relationship with his own father, … [Read more...]
Print This PageBeware of “Forgotten Assets” When Applying for Medicaid. And Beware of Bankers Trying to be Helpful.
We received two similar questions this week and will address them both. Q1. My aunt opened a savings account at her local bank for her son (my cousin) in the late 1980’s when my cousin was in college. When she opened the … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Would a Graduation Gift to my Son Affect my Mother’s Medicaid Eligibility?
Dear Raider, My son recently graduated from high school. My mother wants to give him a monetary gift of $1,000. She is in the early stages of dementia and may need nursing home care in the not-so-distant future. Would giving … [Read more...]
Print This PageNavigating the Complexity of Medicaid and Medicare Dual Eligibility
Q. I am aware that many people are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare. How does dual eligibility work? It seems like anything involving Medicaid and/or Medicare can be pretty complicated. Can you tell me more about it and … [Read more...]
Print This PageA Screening Tool Exists that Accurately Predicts End-of-Life
Q. I read somewhere that there is a screening tool that was developed to more accurately predict someone’s risk of dying based on different factors. Do you know more about this or other screening tools that are out there and how … [Read more...]
Print This PageMisinformation about Medicaid in Popular Media and Journalists Getting Legal Information from Non-Lawyers
Medicaid turns 59 in July 2024! In the summer of 1965, President Johnson addressed a joint session of Congress asking that we honor a basic commitment to our seniors. He asked that the later years of their lives not be filled with … [Read more...]
Print This PagePrescribing Art: Can Art Be Used to Treat Conditions Affecting Seniors?
Two years ago, I wrote a three-part series that shared the wisdom of Katya De Luisa, a dementia educator and author of “Journey through the Infinite Mind–the Science and Spirituality of Dementia.” Besides being a dementia … [Read more...]
Print This PageAre You a Super-Ager?
Are you someone in your 80s or older whose memory recall seems to be as good or even better than people decades younger than you? If you are, you're in a relatively rare category of people known as “super-agers” — people who can … [Read more...]
Print This PageComparing a Certified Medicaid Planner with a Certified Elder Law Attorney
Q. My sister-in-law and my husband have recently been discussing Medicaid Planning for my husband’s mother, who is in an early stage of dementia. You and your law firm represented my parents several years ago when we needed to … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhat Are the Top Eight Questions to Ask a Medicaid Asset Protection Attorney?
May is National Elder Law Month! Elder Law Attorneys across the country, including those at the Farr Law Firm, are taking the opportunity to educate seniors about their legal options in the communities we serve. Now is the perfect … [Read more...]
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