Navigating the Complexity of Medicaid and Medicare Dual Eligibility

Q. I am aware that many people are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare. How does dual eligibility work? It seems like anything involving Medicaid and/or Medicare can be pretty complicated. Can you tell me more about it and … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: One-Stop Resource for Medicare Offerings

Dear Angel,I recently signed up for Medicare. What is the best place to go to find out about all of the offerings, including preventative care and chronic care management?Thanks for your help!Juan Stopp---Dear … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Happy Birthday Medicare! 

Dear Kiwi and Mango, I understand that July 30 marks the 59th birthday of Medicare. I will be 65 early next year. What should I do and what resources can I count on for more information before I sign up? Thanks for your … [Read more...]

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Should I Enroll in Medicare if I have Federal Retiree Coverage?   

Q. In your latest article, you discuss how elder care lawyers help seniors with planning in advance for the financial and health concerns that occur as we age. I really appreciate the assistance and advice your elder law firm … [Read more...]

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What Does Medicare’s New Rule Mean for Prior Authorization?

Q. My wife and I are currently on Medicare. Something problematic that we have experienced is that when we go to a doctor’s appointment and need a referral, we cannot go to a specialist or get some much-needed medications without … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Final Guidance Issued This Week to Help People with Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

Dear Kiwi and Mango,Although I’m on Medicare, the costs for my prescription drugs are still quite high, and frankly, I’m having trouble affording them. I heard something about a new guidance that was recently released to help … [Read more...]

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Our Top 23 Articles of 2023 

Happy New Year! As our loyal readers know, we’ve covered a lot of ground in 2023. From incredible technological advances involving artificial intelligence to new diagnostic methods and treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, … [Read more...]

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2024 Key Elder Law Numbers 

When Bob Dylan said, "The times they are a-changin'," his lyrics referenced societal changes in the 1960s. The same lyrics could also apply to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security today. Every year, the Farr Law Firm … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner – Navigating Open Enrollment: Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) Offers Three Helpful Resources

Dear Kiwi and Mango,Medicare Open Enrollment is right around the corner. Are there some helpful, reliable resources I can use to help make decisions about coverage?Thanks for your help!Dee Tales --Dear … [Read more...]

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Part 2: When Artificial Intelligence and Health Don’t Mix 

This is part two of a two-part series.  In part one, “Is CMS’s Latest Effort Enough to Hold Medicare Advantage Companies Accountable?” I described how CMS plans to hold Medicare Advantage (MA) companies to higher standards for … [Read more...]

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