Critter Corner: Talking to an Estranged Sibling about a Mother’s Care

  Dear Ernie and Janette, My mother has late-stage dementia and no Power of Attorney or Advance Medical Directive in place. Unfortunately, I am estranged from my sister and we haven't spoken in years. We need to discuss plans … [Read more...]

Caring for a Difficult Parent

Q. Throughout my life, my mother has always been a difficult person. She complains about everything and is hyper-critical, overbearing and, as you can imagine, hard to get along with. She always compares me to my older sister, who … [Read more...]

NASA SmartWatch, Implanted Health Devices, and Other New Technology for Seniors

Is Grandpa going gadget-crazy? Not quite yet, but we are getting there. According to a recent Pew Research survey, the number of older adults using the internet and related tech devices is increasing, with 59% of seniors reporting … [Read more...]

Embracing Green Living as we Age

Q. My mother, Phyllis, is very environmentally conscious. She recycles and finds a creative use for nearly everything. Green living is among her top priorities.Ever since my father died, my mother has had a hard time living … [Read more...]

Caring for Caregivers

Taking care of an older or ill family member can be enormously rewarding — but it can be physically and emotionally draining. And with the number of Americans age 65-plus projected to double by 2030, caregiving demands will only … [Read more...]

Pain should never be considered a “normal” part of the aging process

Pain should never be considered a “normal” part of the aging process.  It is a symptom, and can be a sign of a serious problem and should never be left untreated or under-treated.  In both cases, the pain can lead to depression, … [Read more...]

Who was supposed to be watching Grandma?

There is a popular tune you may have over the last couple of months called “Grandma Got Run Over by A Reindeer” which relates that Grandma -- after drinking too much eggnog -- went out into the winter cold to get her medication … [Read more...]

New Medicare out-of-pocket home health care expenses for Seniors on the horizon?

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission suggested Thursday one strategy to cut health care spending; the strategy would force Medicare recipients who receive home health care to pay an out-of-pocket cost.  The proposed cost is … [Read more...]

The Perfect Holiday Caregiver: It’s all a state of mind

The holidays are always a wonderful time of year for family gatherings, reflection on what we have and the spirit of giving. The television is packed with specials showing relationships and families coming together for the … [Read more...]

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