How the Pandemic has Reshaped the Way We Look at Retirement

Q. My husband and I have been working for nearly 35 years each and are due to retire in the next few years, but things seem uncertain for everyone now. My understanding is that the pandemic has added new challenges to the … [Read more...]

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How Nursing Homes are Planning for a Third Surge of COVID-19

When it comes to COVID-19, the news from around the country isn’t encouraging. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and chief medical correspondent for CNN, said he is concerned that the United States is facing “exponential growth” of … [Read more...]

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Boo! Our Top 10 Scariest Articles of 2020 (A Very Scary Year!)

2020 has been a scary year! Since we’re so close to Halloween, it’s a perfect time to catch up on some of the scariest elder law, estate planning, and special needs planning articles until now. Exposing everything from dementia at … [Read more...]

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How Virginia, Maryland, and DC are Using Strike Teams to Combat COVID-19 in Nursing Homes

As of August 31, 2020, there are over 6 million cases of COVID-19 in the US and 183,000 people have died. There are many horrific tragedies that have occurred over the past six months, but one of the worst is how coronavirus … [Read more...]

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More Caregivers are Experiencing Increased Burnout During Coronavirus Pandemic

Q. I have been the primary caregiver for my father with dementia for three years now. It was stressful before, but now even more so because of the pandemic.My new emotions deal with fear and anxiety over the virus and guilt … [Read more...]

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Choosing a Nursing Home for a Loved One During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Q. My mother has dementia and seems to be declining rapidly. Her needs are becoming more than my father and I, and a nurse’s aide, can handle at home. We’ve decided the time has come to consider nursing home care. All of the news … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Virginia’s Nursing Homes Prepare for New Testing Requirement

Dear Angel,My father is in a nursing home in Spotsylvania County. I am concerned about his safety during the coronavirus pandemic. One concern is staff coming to work sick or asymptomatic, which happened in a nursing home … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Extra Financial Assistance for Caregivers at This Time

Dear Oakley,I am a caregiver for my aunt who has dementia, and who is also a veteran. I used to work part-time in addition to caregiving, but lost my job during the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you know of any extra financial … [Read more...]

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Now May Be a Good Time to withdraw $100K from Your Retirement Accounts, Penalty-Free!

Q. My wife, Patty, and I are in our late 50’s and have been hit hard by COVID-19. Luckily, neither of us got the virus, but financially, we have been struggling. I got furloughed from my job and Patty teaches yoga, and the yoga … [Read more...]

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Virginia Allocates $246 million to Help Long-term Care Facilities After COVID-19 Pandemic

At a retirement community in Springfield, the last scheduled event that Lea (88) attended was a Valentine’s Day dance in February. Since then, there have been no more potluck dinners, card games, special outings, or other social … [Read more...]

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