Nine Important Factors to Consider and the Most Important Factor that Is Often Overlooked The retirement wave is about to hit. A whopping 4 million Americans are expected to turn 65 every year for the next four years. That … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Are Military Families Better Prepared for Retirement?
Dear Angel, My cousin and I are the same age. However, he is enlisted in the US Army, and I worked in the private sector for the past 30 years. He is close to retirement, and I am hoping to be as well but may need a few more … [Read more...]
Print This PageIs Retirement Good or Bad for Your Mental Health?
Retirement is supposed to be one of the best times in your life. You’ve worked for so many years to finally reach this point, and now you can relax and enjoy your time with family and friends. You can move to a warmer climate if … [Read more...]
Print This PageGen Xers Are Facing an Alarming Retirement Reality
Generation Xers are adults born between 1965 and 1980, and they represent almost 64 million Americans or nearly 20 percent of the population. Gen Xers are now in their 40s and 50s and are the next generation in line to retire … [Read more...]
Print This PageWhy Are Some Seniors Upsizing Rather than Downsizing in Retirement?
Q. My neighbors recently retired from work and put their house on the market. Their kids have all moved out, and it’s just them and their dog. At their retirement party, they showed us a picture of the house they were building. It … [Read more...]
Print This PageRetiree Confidence Is the Lowest in 15 Years! How You Can Plan Ahead for Retirement and Long-Term Care
About 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, and though everyone's financial situation is different, that means that millions of people are getting ready to retire each year. But according to a recent survey, many are not confident … [Read more...]
Print This PageThere are Downsides to Delaying Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
Q. A few weeks ago, you wrote about SECURE 2.0 and some of the impactful provisions of the new law. Among them, you mentioned how the age when Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) would need to start has increased to 73 for … [Read more...]
Print This PageSECURE 2.0: The Biggest Changes for Retirement Savings in 15 Years!
Q. I heard that SECURE 2.0 was recently passed. It supposedly has provisions that make it easier to set aside money for unexpected emergency expenses. I also heard that it will not only help people avoid a short-term money … [Read more...]
Print This PageTens of Billions of Dollars of Benefits for Seniors Are Going Unused Every Year
Q. Inflation has gotten bad, and my wife and I have had to dip into our savings more than ever for food and other necessities. What are some ways you suggest to deal with the situation? Are there any benefits we might not be aware … [Read more...]
Print This PageThe Four Phases of Retirement and Leaving a Legacy
Dr. Ken Dychtwald, CEO and founder of Age Wave, is a researcher on aging and financial habits in America, author of 18 books, and one of the world’s foremost experts and visionary thinkers regarding aging and longevity. In some of … [Read more...]
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