Critter Corner: Social Security Strategies for Solo Agers

Dear Angel, I am 61 and considering whether to take my Social Security benefits next year or to wait. I am single and don’t have any children. Do you have any tips for someone in my situation? Thanks for your help! Earl … [Read more...]

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When You’re Navigating Retirement as a Solo Ager

Q. I’m 58 years old and am single. I would like to retire in the not so distant future, but most of the information available is for married or even divorced people, and I’m feeling lost. I’m not feeling confident about retirement … [Read more...]

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No Matter How Old He Is— He’s My Son and I’ll Take Care of Him!

Q. I read about a situation where a 98-year-old mom named Ada Keating moved into a senior home to help care for her 80-year-old son, Tom. As a single mom with a son, I could understand wanting to ensure your child is well cared … [Read more...]

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Making Sure Your Money Goes to the Right Place

Q. When I read your bio, I noticed that you went to William & Mary for Law School. I went there for undergrad and for grad school, and love everything about the place, from the picturesque campus to Lake Matoaka in the Fall. I … [Read more...]

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Who Will Be There for Me if I’m Aging Alone?

Q. I am currently 82 years old, and I live by myself in the home I purchased 40 years ago in Northern Virginia. Most of the people I know have grandchildren and evengreat-grandchildren. Throughout my life, I put my career first, … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: I Am Single With No Children. Why Should I Bother Planning?

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I am a free-spirited single person who has never been married or had any children. I don't even have brothers or sisters. Yesterday, my neighbor told me about her estate planning during our morning walk. … [Read more...]

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