What the ACA Verdict Means for Seniors

Q. I recently read that a federal court ruled to strike down the Affordable Care Act? Sounds kind of scary if you ask me. How is this going to affect seniors and people with disabilities?A.You are correct. US District Court … [Read more...]

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Implications of ACA Repeal for Seniors

Q. It is clear that the Republican congesss wants to pass a measure to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) outright. In my view, the ACA has been good for seniors because it eliminates pre-existing condition exclusions, keeps … [Read more...]

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ACA is Here to Stay – Is That Good for Seniors?

Photo Source: Irish Times Q. I heard that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is here to stay, as of yesterday when the Supreme Court ruled to save the health care law. Is the ruling good for seniors? Also, can you clarify whether … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: What are some of the free preventative health services provided under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Dear Angel,I heard the good news about yesterday's ruling that the ACA is here to stay. Can you tell me about some of the preventative health services I am eligible for under the ACA?Thanks,Anita Call … [Read more...]

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Obamacare Warfare: Why is the Public Positively Puzzled on Health Reform?

Struggling to make sense of the status of health care reform in America? Don’t worry; neither can Congress, the White House, nor the Courts say with certainty whether The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Act) will … [Read more...]

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