ACA is Here to Stay – Is That Good for Seniors?

Photo Source: Irish Times Q. I heard that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is here to stay, as of yesterday when the Supreme Court ruled to save the health care law. Is the ruling good for seniors? Also, can you clarify whether … [Read more...]

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What is the Individual Mandate? Plus: Oral Argument Audio from 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Released

Today, two key cases concerning the constitutionality of the hotly debated federal health care law took place in the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The two cases: Liberty University v. Geithner, No. 10-2347, and Commonwealth … [Read more...]

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Obama v. GOP: Healthcare showdown

When President Obama took office two years ago, the GOP had much more than a mere inkling that a healthcare overhaul was on the horizon.  Fast-forward to the final days of 2010, and an attempt at a repeal may be just around the … [Read more...]

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Most likely: Supreme Court will have to decide constitutionality of mandatory insurance

The mandatory insurance debate represents an intersection (or a train wreck, depending on how you look at it) between federal powers, Congressional constitutional boundaries, and state interests.  At issue is whether Americans … [Read more...]

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