Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe Signs ABLE Act into Law (Source: NBC 29) Q. Our son, Jeff, has autism spectrum disorder and will likely need assistance throughout his lifetime. We are looking for ways to save for his … [Read more...]
Print This PageStricter Law for Mature Drivers Goes into Effect in VA on New Years
As we age, specific abilities needed to drive safely — such as vision, memory, physical strength, reaction time, and flexibility — may decline. Although some seniors are among the safest drivers on the road, those driving with … [Read more...]
Print This PageMost likely: Supreme Court will have to decide constitutionality of mandatory insurance
The mandatory insurance debate represents an intersection (or a train wreck, depending on how you look at it) between federal powers, Congressional constitutional boundaries, and state interests. At issue is whether Americans … [Read more...]
Print This PageElder Abuse: A Crime Against the Disadvantaged
Abuse can come in many forms, and can affect a variety of individuals. Whether it be a child, nursing home resident, or incapacitated person - there is a common thread in most cases. Usually, the abused is a disadvantaged person … [Read more...]
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