Q. My daughter, Hailey, has high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is severely learning disabled, and has a difficult time paying attention in school. We have attended Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings, and … [Read more...]
Print This PageSupreme Court Rules that the Bare Minimum Isn’t Enough/Planning for an Uncertain Future
Same-Sex Marriage: Planning for the Future
(picture from Huffington Post)Q. My mother has been in a same-sex relationship with a wonderful woman for ten years. She is thrilled about last week's decision that she could get married to her partner, if they choose to do … [Read more...]
Print This PageLandmark Supreme Court Marriage Case May Affect Planning Choices
Image from USNews.com Gay marriage is currently legal in 36 states, mostly because of the decision in the 2013 case of Windsor v. United States, in which the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Two … [Read more...]
Print This PageVirginia Health Care Case Lingers On
Virginia, the 27th state to challenge the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care law, appears to have been unsuccessful (at least for the time being) in an effort to convince the Supreme Court to elevate the case so … [Read more...]
Print This PageAlito: VA Should Not Enforce “Rigid” Jurisdictional Requirements Against Veterans
While it may be true that the Supreme Court is often tasked with the daunting assignment of deciding the most controversial and divisive of issues, last Tuesday’s unanimous ruling was a little different.Most who are familiar … [Read more...]
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