Will Christmas Gifts Disqualify Grandma?

Q. My grandmother is really excited about Christmas this year. In the spirit of the season, she is considering making a truly meaningful gift of $5,000 to the local animal shelter, and giving another $5,000 to her church. She also … [Read more...]

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$10,000 a month! Why don’t they take it seriously?

Q. My parents are in their 70's and I am a caregiver for them, while working part-time and raising a family. My father has had Parkinson's for fifteen years and is no longer mobile. My mother is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. … [Read more...]

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Landmark Supreme Court Marriage Case May Affect Planning Choices

Image from USNews.com Gay marriage is currently legal in 36 states, mostly because of the decision in the 2013 case of Windsor v. United States, in which the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Two … [Read more...]

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Alternative Ways to Stave Off Parkinson’s

Fred Ransdell, who has had Parkinson's since 1996, is an avid runner. (Source: The Dallas Morning News) Parkinson's disease, a degenerative movement disorder of the central nervous system, was discovered nearly 200 years ago. … [Read more...]

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The Healing Power of Music — “Alive Inside”

Music has power—especially for individuals with dementia. When used appropriately, it can help shift mood, manage stress, reduce agitation, stimulate positive interactions, and can even triumph where prescription medication falls … [Read more...]

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Alzheimer’s: Preserving Family Memories

Every year, Carol Magro would prepare a delicious Italian feast for the holidays. Five years ago, her daughter Barbara noticed that her mother was getting tired, confused, and didn't remember the ingredients for some of the dishes … [Read more...]

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LGBTQ Marriage Ruling Brings New Planning Choices

LGBTQ married couples can now celebrate another important victory in their fight for equal rights.  Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled to let the appeals court rulings allowing same-sex marriage in five states stand, clearing the … [Read more...]

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Joan Rivers Death Reminds us to Have End-of-Life Conversation

Q. I am very close with my in-laws, who are both in their late 70’s, and all I want for them (and for everyone I care about) is to live a long happy life.  Unfortunately, the inevitable happens to us all, and when it does happen, … [Read more...]

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