The Five Biggest Things to Know About Medicare

Q. I am turning 65 this year and will qualify for Medicare. I want to make sure I do things properly when it comes to applying. For instance, do I have to wait until I'm actually 65 to start the process, or can I start ahead of … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: Can I Delay Enrollment of Medicare if I Have Not Yet Claimed Social Security?

Dear Oakley,I’m turning 65 and I have not yet claimed my Social Security benefits because I thought it would make good financial sense to wait. Can I choose to wait to enroll in Medicare as well?Thanks! Juana … [Read more...]

Surprise Medical Bills May Become a Thing of the Past

Freya (80) had chest pains, a hacking cough, and a high fever when she was visiting her son, Andy. An ambulance was called and she was rushed to a hospital in her health plan’s network. As she headed home after a week's stay to … [Read more...]

2020 Key Elder Law Dollar Amounts

Every year we release the key dollar amounts that are frequently used in elder law, including Medicaid figures, Medicare premiums, Social Security Disability, and Supplemental Security Income. Since most of these figures have been … [Read more...]

Open Enrollment 2020: How Veterans Can Best Maximize Their Benefits

Dear Rune,I am a veteran who wants to add Medicare Advantage benefits during open enrollment this year. I have a few questions about my veterans benefits and Medicare plans, and I'm hoping you can help. First, can Medicare … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: How Can You Get a Professional Evaluation of a Senior Loved One’s Driving?

Dear Hayek,My mother and I are concerned about my father's ability to continue driving. He is confident, however, that he should still be on the road. He even offered to be evaluated by a professional. How do you go about … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: Were You Double Billed by Medicare in September?

Dear Rune,Welcome to the Critter Corner! I hope you can help me. I believe I may have been double billed last month by Medicare. Is t his something that you have heard about, and if so, what should I do? Thanks for your … [Read more...]

Open Enrollment is Now Much Easier

 Nancy had been counting down the days to her retirement for a couple of years now. As the day got closer, she turned in her retirement paperwork to human resources, enjoyed the party her co-workers threw for her, and … [Read more...]

Is There Any Recourse for Hefty Observation Status Bills?

Q. In the past, you answered questions about hospitalized people who were too sick to go home but not sick enough to be admitted. Many of them were in the hospital for a week, thinking it would be covered by Medicare. They were … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: Are We Nearing the End of Medicare’s Three-Day Rule?

Dear Ernie and Jannette,I recently saw a tweet from Seema Verma, the Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). She made it sound like an end is in sight for Medicare’s Three-Day Rule. Do you … [Read more...]

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