A Major Change to Therapy/Rehabilitation Coverage for Medicare Patients

Q. At age 62, my father, Paul, was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). He can’t walk, get out of bed, or breathe on his own (he’s on a ventilator). He can’t use the toilet, bathe, or dress himself, either. After a … [Read more...]

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Is Care Getting More Expensive or Has it Hit its Peak?

Q. My mother has lived alone for the past three years since my father passed away. She is starting to get lonely and needs more help these days. I recently started looking into in-home care as an option. I knew it would be … [Read more...]

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Has In-home Care Gotten a Lot More Expensive this Year?

Q. I’ve been a full-time caregiver for my mother for the past few years. Last year, when I noticed that my role was becoming more than I could handle myself, I started looking into in-home care. At the time, I decided against it … [Read more...]

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Top 3 Advancements to Help Seniors Stay at Home: “No Thank You, Nursing Home”

"Getting old is not for sissies" goes the quote. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges people face as they age is a seemingly inevitable and impending change to their living situation, whether it be due to health concerns, … [Read more...]

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