529s and ABLE Accounts Get a Major Boost 

Age of disability for ABLE accounts will increase from 26 to 46.  Unused 529 accounts can be rolled into a Roth IRA.  Q. I have two children. One is an adult child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and another is a lot … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: New Virginia Law Removes Age Cap on Autism Coverage

Dear Magic, Our daughter, Rachael, has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Since she was a toddler, we have been taking her for every early intervention therapy there is, including Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), speech, and … [Read more...]

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Division One Cheerleader at Mason is Breaking Barriers

Ann Catherine Heigl (Pic from Indianapolis Times Sentinel) Ann Catherine Heigl, a 19-year-old with Down syndrome, graduated from high school and became a student of George Mason University, through their LIFE program, a … [Read more...]

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Imagine Paying College Tuition for the Rest of Your Life . . .

Q. I recently read an article in CNBC that’s states that, “It can take millions to care for your special needs child.” The article describes how one family needed $3 million to cover the cost of lifetime care for their 23-year-old … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Building a Life Care Plan for a Special Needs Loved One

Dear Magic, Our daughter has special needs. We have money set aside for her in a special needs trust and we have an ABLE account set up. We want to do more to plan for her future. I heard about something called a Life Care … [Read more...]

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How is the Virginia ABLE Act Affected by the Tax Overhaul?

Q. My sister Sophie is intellectually disabled, but has a knack for baking. She recently enrolled in cooking school to work towards her dream of becoming a pastry chef. My family has been assisting Sophie with her educational … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: An ABLE Account for a Loved One with a Disability

Dear Angel, I have an intellectually disabled daughter, and I’ve seen a lot of information this month from the ABLE National Resource Center through their #ABLEtoSave campaign. I understand that it’s state run, and that … [Read more...]

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ABLEnow is Open for Enrollment in Virginia

Millions of individuals with disabilities and their families depend on a wide variety of public benefits for income, health care, food, and housing assistance. Many of these benefits require meeting a means or resource test that … [Read more...]

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Setting up an ABLE Account and New Legislation

Q. Our son, Isaiah, has high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, and we are thrilled to say that he was recently accepted into trade school. I heard from a friend at work about the ABLE Act. I don’t know much about it, but I've … [Read more...]

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Seniors Should Be Thankful For This. . .

This week, we celebrate Thanksgiving, making it an ideal time to give thanks and reflect on the positive things that have happened over the past year. Below are twelve of our blog articles from 2015 that make us and many of our … [Read more...]

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