Emily Sagle of Stafford, VA, is a full-time caregiver for her 11-year-old son, William. He’s nonverbal, autistic, and suffers from various medical and genetic conditions that make it difficult for him to attend public school. Due … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: How Do You Plan for the Financial Future of a Loved One with a Disability
Dear Hayek,I am a caregiver for my adult son, who lives with a disability. What are some ways that I can help plan for his financial future?Thanks for your help!Fi Nanshul---Dear Fi,About 61 million adults … [Read more...]
Print This PageSupported Decision-Making for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
What Is Supported Decision-Making? Almost all adults ask friends, family members, or coworkers for ideas and advice on a regular basis. Any time you need to make a decision, and you want help to better understand your … [Read more...]
Print This Page529s and ABLE Accounts Get a Major Boost
Age of disability for ABLE accounts will increase from 26 to 46. Unused 529 accounts can be rolled into a Roth IRA. Q. I have two children. One is an adult child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and another is a lot … [Read more...]
Print This PageShould All Children Be Tested for Autism?
Q. I heard that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has become even more prevalent than before. Why is this happening? With ASD being as common as it is, should all children be tested for it, as they are for other things?Also, with … [Read more...]
Print This PageDoes My Infant Grandson Have an Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Q. My daughter and son-in-law both work full-time, and I watch my 9-month old grandson, Caden, every day during the week. My daughter takes me with her to his doctor’s appointments, where they provide us with CDC guidelines for … [Read more...]
Print This PageFDA Approves an Accurate Test for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Q. I am in my mid 50’s and sometimes I think I am on the Autism Spectrum, though I was never formally diagnosed. I experience anxiety in social situations, avoid eye contact whenever I can, and am fixated on certain things. I … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Is there a Link Between Alzheimer’s and Down Syndrome?
Dear Oakley,My neighbor has Down Syndrome. I read somewhere that there is a link between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s. Is this true and if so, what research is being done?Thanks!Khan Nexion---Dear … [Read more...]
Print This PageHow Can ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts Work Together?
Q. Our son, Joey, has Down’s Syndrome. We decided it was a good idea to plan in advance for him for when we can no longer care for him ourselves. We have been researching our options and found information on Special Needs Trusts … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Caregivers May be Eligible for COVID Vaccine
Dear Hayek, I am a caregiver for my mother and my two special needs children (one has an intellectual disability and the other has autism). In my role, I feel it is really important to get the COVID vaccine. Is there any way to … [Read more...]
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