Is the Term “Special Needs” Going Out of Style? Rethinking the Terminology in Light of the Law

Q. I have three children — two on the autism spectrum and one with Down syndrome, who we adopted. One of my children with ASD is a young adult, and the other is a teenager. My friend, Cathy, also has an adult child on the autism … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Making the Holidays Comfortable for Loved Ones with Disabilities

Dear Oakley,My teenager with ASD and my child with Down Syndrome will be experiencing the holidays with our extended family — cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We are expecting 25 people this year, for the first time … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Caregivers May be Eligible for COVID Vaccine

Dear Hayek, I am a caregiver for my mother and my two special needs children (one has an intellectual disability and the other has autism). In my role, I feel it is really important to get the COVID vaccine. Is there any way to … [Read more...]

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Being Her Brother’s Caregiver

A year ago, Helen Ries’s mother died unexpectedly, and she became the primary caregiver of her brother, Paul Knoll. Knoll has Down syndrome and had lived with his parents most of his life. Ries admits that her first year as a … [Read more...]

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