Dear Angel, My family recently sat down to discuss the difficult topic of death and dying. Thinking about it brought to mind our funerals. During a time of grief, I would hate to put my family through funeral planning and have … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: How Presidential Candidates Stack Up When it Comes to Pets
Dear Angel, I am a pet lover who is undecided about who to support for president. Do you know where the candidates stand when it comes to animals? Kat Endogg-Luverr ---- Dear Kat, Now this Is an important … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Cats for Seniors Who are Allergic
Dear Angel, My mother loves pets, especially cuddly cats like you. She enjoys coming to Mr. Farr's office to see you, but she needs to take an allergy pill every time. She is lonely and would really like a cat of her own, … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Multigenerational Playgrounds
Dear Commander Bun Bun, Last time my daughter, Katie, visited her grandmother, she mentioned that they went to a "playground for grandma." I can't imagine my 70- year old mother on the swings or climbing on the monkey bars. … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Halloween Tips for When a Loved One has Dementia
Dear Commander Bun Bun, My mother has dementia and recently moved into our home. Before she was diagnosed, she loved Halloween, especially all the decorations, seeing the grandchildren dressed up in costumes, and eating the … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: New iPhone App Could Transform How We Diagnose Autism
Dear Commander Bun Bun, I heard somewhere that a new app has been developed by Apple that can be used to diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using facial expressions. Since you are attuned to what's going on with … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: Is Estate Planning Needed for Cohabitating Couples?
Dear Commander Bun Bun, I live with my boyfriend, Rich, in a house we own together. For a number of reasons, we have decided not to get married, but will continue to cohabitate for the foreseeable future. Why would people in … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: What Does CELA and CAP mean after Mr. Farr’s Name?
Dear Commander Bun Bun, I noticed that Mr. Farr has the letters "CELA" and "CAP" after his name. What do they mean? Thanks, Aubrey Veations ---- Dear Aubrey, Good question. I used to ponder the same thing myself. I found the … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: New IRA Rules Close the Loopholes
Dear Commander Bun Bun, I heard that there are some new rules that were proposed by President Obama that IRA owners should know before planning their estate or transferring money between IRAs. Do you know about them and, if so, … [Read more...]
Print This PageCritter Corner: What is the NOTICE Act?
Dear Baxter, I read that the Notice of Observation Treatment and Implication for Care Eligibility (NOTICE) Act passed the US Senate earlier this week. Can you explain what observation care means, and what this new law would … [Read more...]
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