Top Benefits Veterans Might Not Be Aware of in 2023

Q. Veterans Day is tomorrow. Our military Veterans have served our country, fought for freedom, and they deserve our utmost respect. My father is a Vietnam Veteran, and he and my mother (and me) are unaware of what benefits might … [Read more...]

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AARP’s Health Benefits Navigator: A New Tool for Veterans and Caregivers

Dear Oakley,My father is a veteran and I am his caregiver. All of the benefit options seem really confusing.  Is there an easy place to review and obtain all the available healthcare benefits without all the confusion and … [Read more...]

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VA Caregiver Support Program Expansion Begins: What it Means for Veterans and Caregivers

Q. I am a caregiver for my father, a U.S. Navy veteran. He and I recently celebrated Veteran’s Day and my understanding is that it is National Family Caregiver’s Month all through November. In light of these two important … [Read more...]

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Programs Affecting Veterans and Progress this Year

There are currently more than 25 million veterans who served our country during wartime and may be eligible for some form of veteran’s benefits. Many of these veterans and their caregivers, who need assistance, don't realize that … [Read more...]

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Veteran Caregivers and Spouses: Benefit Clarification

Q. My 76-year old father, Larry, served during the Vietnam War, and suffers from Parkinson’s Disease and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). My mother, Anne, is his caregiver. They live on Social Security checks and his … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: What Veterans Aid and Attendance Will and Won’t Cover

Dear Commander Bun Bun,My grandfather is a veteran who may be eligible for Veterans Aid and Attendance. What does it cover and what is not covered by it?Thanks for your help!Aidan Atendans----Dear Aidan,The … [Read more...]

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Veterans DON’T Delay (3-Year Look-Back is Imminent)

Photo from Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) helps veterans and their families by providing supplemental tax-free income through the VA Special Pension with the Aid and Attendance benefit. The Aid … [Read more...]

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Caregiving for a Veteran: Programs Mentioned at WHCOA

Dear Commander Bun Bun,In Mr. Farr’s recent article on the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA), he talked a lot about caregiving, but didn’t mention anything about veterans, in particular. Can you elaborate on anything … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: Services for Family Caregivers of Post 9/11 Veterans

Dear Baxter,I am a caregiver for my mother, who is a post-9/11 veteran and sustained a traumatic brain injury in the line of duty. Do you know of any benefits for caregivers in my situation?Thanks,Karen … [Read more...]

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Ask the Expert: VA to Offer One-Stop Website for Veteran’s Benefits

Q. My father, Joe, is a Vietnam veteran. He gets frustrated and confused when he tries to navigate all the veteran's benefits websites and figure out what he may be eligible for. Even the VA Website doesn't have everything he … [Read more...]

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