
Secrets of Centenarians

Q. The other day, I was reading about Susannah Mushatt Jones, who turned 116 last month in New York. She was born in 1899 and retired in 1965. She never smoked or drank, and says lots of sleep is the secret to her longevity.I … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: New IRA Rules Close the Loopholes

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I heard that there are some new rules that were proposed by President Obama that IRA owners should know before planning their estate or transferring money between IRAs. Do you know about them and, if so, … [Read more...]

When is it Time to Hang Up the Keys?

With years of experience behind the wheel, senior drivers are among the safest on the road. However, skills and abilities required for safe driving — such as vision, memory, physical strength, reaction time, and flexibility — may … [Read more...]

Amazing Technology to Age-in-Place (But Mom is Reluctant)

AliveCor Mobile ECGQ. My mother-in-law, Veronica, who is in her 70's, shys away from anything that involves technology. She refuses to carry a cell phone, try an iPad, or send an email. My children would love to Skype with … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: When Should I Hire Home Care for a Parent?

Dear Angel,My parents live in a condominium in a senior community, 100 miles away from me. My father had a stroke last year, and is having trouble getting around, bathing, and dressing. My mother has her own issues, having had … [Read more...]

70% of Americans turning 65 will need Long-Term Care

Correction: The title of our newsletter is incorrect. It should be "One in seven adults will have a disability for more than five years." We  apologize for this error! Photo from A … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: I Am Single With No Children. Why Should I Bother Planning?

Dear Commander Bun Bun,I am a free-spirited single person who has never been married or had any children. I don't even have brothers or sisters. Yesterday, my neighbor told me about her estate planning during our morning walk. … [Read more...]

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