
Prepaid Funeral Plans and Medicaid- What You Need to Know!

A prepaid funeral contract is a legal agreement that allows a person to pay now for funeral services that will be needed sometime in the future. This contract may include the funeral, burial, cremation, and other related services. … [Read more...]

Are you taking advantage of free preventative health services provided under the ACA?

Seniors are slowly taking advantage of the free preventive health screenings and tests provided under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA mandates expanded preventive health services for all Americans, including Medicare … [Read more...]

Shared Genes May Link Five Major Disorders, including Autism, Major Depression and Others

Recent study findings show that five major disorders— autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and schizophrenia — may share common genetic risk factors.  These findings … [Read more...]

National Consumer Protection Week – How can you protect yourself from Medicare fraud?

This week, March 3-9, is National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), as proclaimed by President Obama in 2009.  Consumer education helps keep seniors and all Americans informed while providing them with resources to explain their … [Read more...]

Celebrating National Consumer Protection Week – How the Affordable Care Act Protects Senior Consumers

This week, March 3-9, is National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), as proclaimed by President Obama in 2009.  Consumer education helps keep seniors and all Americans informed while providing them with resources to explain their … [Read more...]

New Resources are Available for LGBT Seniors (and new Farr Law Firm LGBT website)

Introducing the Farr Law Firm's new LGBT website:  Visit and find:-  resources for careful and knowledgeable long-term care planning-  information about legal strategies, such as Advance Medical Directives, and-  details about … [Read more...]

President Obama is making last-ditch effort to stave off the sequester

$85 billion in automatic across-the-board domestic and defense cuts are set to take effect today. President Obama met with congressional leaders this morning in a last-ditch attempt to resolve the Sequester.  Watch this video for … [Read more...]

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