Evan Farr Contributes to New Book: CPA Guide to Long-Term Care

Evan H. Farr Contributes to New Long-Term Care Planning Book and CD


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 26, 2008.

Contact: Aron Schulz, Director of Education and Outreach, 703-691-1888

Certified Elder law attorney Evan H. Farr of Fairfax, Virginia, is among the contributors to The CPA’s Guide to Long-Term Care Planning, just published by The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and ElderLawAnswers.

The demand and cost for long-term care services are expected to skyrocket in the next two decades.  It is estimated that by 2040 the number of Americans 85 and older — the group most likely to require long-term care — will more than triple to more than 12 million.  Americans desperately need well-informed advisers who can help them understand the multitude of people and services that are involved in finding long-term care, disability care and elder care solutions.

The CPA’s Guide to Long-Term Care Planning helps accountants and other professionals guide their clients by explaining the basic rules and regulations of governmental programs and other options for paying for long-term care.  The book examines Medicare and Medicaid, explaining how each fits into an overall plan to protect clients’ assets against the high cost of a catastrophic illness.  In addition, the Guide addresses many other issues of concern to the elderly and their families, including long-term care insurance, reverse mortgages, disability planning, nursing home issues and advanced directives.

The CPA’s Guide to Long-Term Care Planning is accompanied by a CD that features a 30-state roundup of the Medicaid rules and practices prevailing in each state, including the treatment of the house and protections for the spouse.  Attorney Evan H. Farr, who is both a Certified Elder Law Attorney and Certified Estate Advisor, drafted the book’s section on Virginia.   Farr is also the author of the book The Virginia Nursing Home Survival Guide, available through his firm and through Amazon.com.

For more on The CPA’s Guide to Long-Term Care Planning, visit http://www.cpa2biz.com/AST/Main/CPA2BIZ_Primary/Tax/PRDOVR~PC-017259/PC-017259.jsp.

Attorney Evan H. Farr may be contacted.  Contact information is as follows:
Evan H. Farr, CELA, CEA   www.VirginiaElderLaw.com   Tel: 703-691-1888

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