While it’s generally a good idea to supplement your Social Security income with a traditional pension or personal savings, millions of people count on Social Security as their primary source of retirement income. According to SocialSecurity.gov, benefits make up 90% or more of the income of 36% of the people receiving benefits. So it is possible to retire on Social Security alone, but it is less than ideal.
- Pay Off Home/No Debt – This will free up a lot of room in your budget for other expenses.
- Delay Retirement – Not retiring as soon as you reach the minimum age to draw Social Security benefits allows your monthly check to build up. This won’t be an option for everyone but if you are able to delay retirement you can reap the reward of larger monthly checks.
- Do what you can to remain in good health –If you are healthy, do your best to remain healthy by eating right and exercising. Health care can easily kill a monthly budget when you are only drawing Social Security, so do what you can to stay healthy.