Are Faith Leaders Trained to Talk to About End-of-Life Topics?

My wife and I are over 65, and are both ready to discuss the topic of death and end-of-life planning. We spoke about it amongst ourselves, but need some guidance. We are religious, and would like our religious leader’s advice in … [Read more...]

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Facing the Elephant in the Room

When Alyssa left for her long drive back to college or for a vacation, she would always give her father a long, meaningful hug, and would reassure him that if something happened to him or her, that she loved him very much. Since … [Read more...]

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Why did Obama reverse course on Medicare end-of-life counseling legislation?

Earlier this month, we reported on legislation taking effect in 2011 that would promote end-of-life counseling through Medicare reimbursements to doctors.  Now just days into the new year, the legislation appears to be dead in the … [Read more...]

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