Here are the top reasons, according to Evan Farr, to continue visiting your dad even though he has advanced dementia:
- First and most importantly, love is not a memory. Love is a feeling — the most powerful feeling in the universe— and love never goes away no matter whether your dad recognizes you or can verbally express his love.
- Even if he is unable to remember your name or your relationship, he still remembers the underlying YOU — your physical and emotional and energetic presence.
- On a spiritual level, your father’s soul — his true self — will continue to recognize your soul, no matter what is happening in his physical brain. If you are not a spiritual person who believe this, I encourage you to read some or all of the books on Evan Farr’s spiritual book list. Regardless of your current religious or spiritual views, if you have ANY doubt whatsoever about the reality of the soul or eternal life, Evan encourages you to read some or all of these books. If you have very limited time, start with either one of the first two listed.
- He probably enjoys your visits even if he can not remember who you are. If he smiles at you at any time, you can be assured that your visit is making a meaningful impact.
- Opportunities to socialize and visit might put him in a better mood and help him relax.
So, I encourage you to visit your father when you can. It probably means more to him than you know!
Hop this is helpful,