Ten Advantages of Being Older that We Can Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving 

It's Thanksgiving week, a perfect time for reflection and gratitude for all that has happened this year. As most of us are aware, the process of aging can present its fair set of challenges, but it’s also important to realize that … [Read more...]

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Special Edition: What an Attitude of Gratitude Does for Your Health and Well-Being

Happy Thanksgiving from the Farr Law Firm!The attorneys, paralegals, and staff at the Farr Law Firm want to wish you a day filled with health, happiness, family, and a plentiful feast. We also want to share some research … [Read more...]

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Happy Thanksgiving from The Farr Law Firm!

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Farr Law Firm

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How to Enjoy Thanksgiving in a Different Way this Year

Every year, Melissa and her family drive to New Jersey to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, a widow who lives alone. This year, with the kids still playing sports and Melissa and her husband still going into the office … [Read more...]

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Farr Law Firm

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