When Cognitive Decline Changes People, Should We Respect Their New Desires? 

Q. I read a fascinating piece in The New York Times Magazine recently about a woman named Diane Norelius, who had dementia. As her cognitive decline began to alter who she was, her adult daughters and her boyfriend wound up in a … [Read more...]

When is a Person Too Incapacitated to Sign Legal Documents?

Q. My father, Roy, has severe arthritis and is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. He is widowed and currently lives in a stand-alone  cottage house that my husband and I built for him in our backyard. Sometimes he seems … [Read more...]

Joan Rivers Death Reminds us to Have End-of-Life Conversation

Q. I am very close with my in-laws, who are both in their late 70’s, and all I want for them (and for everyone I care about) is to live a long happy life.  Unfortunately, the inevitable happens to us all, and when it does happen, … [Read more...]

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