
Nursing Homes May Face Readmission Penalties Similar to Hospitals

According to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, nearly 14% of individuals on Medicare that are discharged from a hospital to a skilled nursing setting are readmitted to the hospital for conditions that could potentially have been avoided. In an effort to promote quality care and reduce expenses, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandated payment reductions for hospitals with high rates of readmissions. Now it appears that nursing homes may also be held accountable for hospital readmissions. 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 2014 budget proposal includes a package of Medicare legislative proposals that could save $371 billion over ten years. The HHS 2014 budget proposal recommends reducing payments by up to 3% for skilled nursing facilities that are determined to have high rates of preventable hospital readmissions. The proposed penalties would take effect in 2017, with an estimated $2.2 billion in savings over 10 years.
Find out more here Department of Health and Human Services 2014 budget proposal.
Do you have a loved one who is in a nursing home or nearing the need for nursing home care? Or are you simply looking to plan ahead in the event nursing home care is needed in the future? Nursing homes in Northern Virginia cost $12,000 – $15,000 per month. Life Care Planning and Medicaid Asset Protectionis the process of is the process of protecting you from having to go broke to pay for nursing home care, while also helping ensure that you get the best possible care and maintain the highest possible quality of life, whether at home, in an assisted living facility, or in a nursing home, whether at home, in an assisted living facility, or in a nursing home. Learn more at The Fairfax and Fredericksburg Elder Law Firms of Evan H. Farr, P.C. website. Call 703-691-1888 to make an appointment for a consultation. 
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About Evan H Farr, CELA, CAP

Evan H. Farr is a 4-time Best-Selling author in the field of Elder Law and Estate Planning. In addition to being one of approximately 500 Certified Elder Law Attorneys in the Country, Evan is one of approximately 100 members of the Council of Advanced Practitioners of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and is a Charter Member of the Academy of Special Needs Planners.

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