Fredericksburg, Va. – October 3, 2013 – Farr Law Firm, P.C. is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The Farr Law Firm is expanding from Fairfax to Fredericksburg to offer comprehensive Elder Law and Estate Planning services to residents of the City and surrounding counties – services including Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and Advance Medical Directives for individuals of all ages, along with Medicaid Asset Protection and Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefits for elders and persons with disabilities or special needs.
“Nursing homes in the Fredericksburg area currently run $7,500-$9,000 a month. There is a real need for one of the foremost legal authorities in the country in the field of Medicaid Asset Protection and related trusts to open an office in Fredericksburg, to help seniors protect the assets they have worked so hard their whole lives to earn,” explains Renee Eder, Director of Public Relations at The Farr Law Firm.
Like its flagship office in Fairfax, the Farr Law Firm’s Fredericksburg location will be devoted to helping seniors and their loved ones protect themselves and their families by preserving dignity, quality of life, and financial security.
According to Evan H. Farr, the firm’s growth speaks to the growing need for Elder Law, Estate Planning, and Special Needs Planning in Fredericksburg and surrounding counties. “With 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day for the next 19 years, the issue of how to pay for long-term care is more pressing than ever. One of our main goals is to ensure that our clients who need long-term care get the best possible care and maintain the highest possible quality of life, whether at home, in an assisted living facility, or in a nursing home.”
Learn more at The Fairfax and Fredericksburg Medicaid Asset Protection Law Firm of Evan H. Farr, P.C. website. Call 703-691-1888 to make an appointment for a consultation
About Evan H. Farr, CELA*
Evan Farr is widely recognized as one of the leading Elder Law attorneys in the United States and one of foremost experts in the Country in the field of Medicaid Asset Protection and related Trusts. Evan Farr has been quoted or cited as an expert by numerous sources, including the Washington Post, Newsweek Magazine, Northern Virginia Magazine, Trusts & Estates Magazine, The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the American Bar Association, and has been featured as a guest speaker on numerous radio shows, including WTOP and Washington Post Radio. Evan has been named by as one of the top 5% of Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys in Virginia every year since 2007, and in the Washington, DC Metro Area every year since 2008. In 2011, Evan was named by Washingtonian Magazine as one of the top attorneys in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, and was named in Newsweek Magazine as one of the top attorneys in the country. Evan is a nationally renowned author and frequent educator of attorneys across the U.S. As an expert to the experts, Evan has educated tens of thousands of attorneys across the country through speaking and writing for numerous national legal organizations. As an expert to the experts, Evan has educated tens of thousands of attorneys across the country through speaking and writing for organizations such as the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), the American Law Institute-American Bar Association (ALI-ABA), the National Business Institute (NBI), the Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (VAELA), the Virginia Bar Association (VBA), Virginia Continuing Legal Education (Virginia CLE) , and the District of Columbia Bar Association.
Evan is the National Best Selling Author of 3 books in the field of Elder Law: How to Protect Your Assets From Probate PLUS Lawsuits PLUS Nursing Home Expenses with the Living Trust PlusTM ; Nursing Home Survival Guide, which provides valuable information and guidance to families dealing with the possibility of nursing home care and struggling to make the best decisions for themselves or their loves ones; and Protect & Defend, which Evan authored along with a host of other top attorneys across the country. Other publications includeVirginia Nursing Home Survival Guide, and numerous articles that have appeared in the popular press, and numerous scholarly publications for the legal profession, including two legal treatises published by and available through ALI-ABA: Planning and Defending Asset Protection Trusts and Trusts for Senior Citizens.
To learn more about Evan Farr, creator of the Living Trust Plus® Asset Protection Trust, and to learn how you can legally and ethically protect you or your client’s assets from nursing home expenses, visit the Living Trust Plus® Web site at http://www.LivingTrustPlus.comor the Farr Law Firm’s website at, or call Toll-Free 1-800-399-FARR.
*Virginia has no procedure for approving certifying organizations.
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