Farr Law Firm Scholarships for Students Wanting to Enter the Field of Elder Law


The High School Scholarship is open to high school seniors who have been accepted to an accredited Virginia college, and are intending to attend law school at a Virginia law school immediately after college, with the goal of becoming a practicing Elder Law Attorney upon graduation from law school.

The College Scholarship is open to college seniors who have been accepted to an accredited Virginia law school and have the goal of becoming a practicing Elder Law Attorney upon graduation from law school.


Two $1000 Scholarship Awards

One Virginia High School Student and one Virginia College Student will each receive a $1000 scholarship to be applied to their student account.

Application Requirements:

Scholarship applicants are required to write an essay and email their essay submission with a cover letter. Full application details can be found below.

Application Deadline:

All applications are due by May 1, 2019 and a winner will be announced on or before May 31, 2019.


How to Apply:

To apply for either Scholarship, students are required to write an essay and submit their essay via email.

Please follow each of the following steps to complete your application:

1) Essay Submission:

Essay submissions must be 600 to 1,000 words in length and include a title page with all of the following:

•First and Last Name
•Current School
•Current Field of Study (if known)
•Email Address
•Phone Number

Essay topic is as follows:

We’re looking for commitment and passion to the cause of helping Elders live the best life possible.  Drawing from an interdisciplinary approach, obtaining a law degree provides the opportunity to contribute to a plethora of societal needs, including ensuring that elders and their families are protected by preserving dignity, quality of life, and financial security. Include in your essay why you want to become an Elder Law attorney, and what you feel are the best ways for Elder Law attorneys to effectively serve elders, caregivers of elders, and their loved ones; feel free to provide in your essay innovative ideas and solutions for best serving this underserved population – new ideas that may incorporate technological, legal, and/or cultural concepts.

2) Completing Your Submission:

Once your essay is ready for submission, please email the essay and title page in a PDF format directly to evanfarr@farrlawfirm.com.

For High School Student submissions: 
•Please make your subject line: “High School Student Scholarship Application for Firstname Lastname“
•please name your essay file: lastname_firstname_hs.pdf

For College Student submissions:
•Please make your subject line: “College Student Scholarship Application for Firstname Lastname“
•please name your essay file: lastname_firstname_college.pdf

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