
Gary Rogers (Herndon, VA)

In October 2012 my wife became ill and was admitted to the hospital. She was bedridden and couldn’t care for herself. She was moved to a nursing/rehab center on Nov 1, 2012. I was looking at a magazine in December and noticed an advertisement for the Farr Law firm that discussed elder care and the cost of full time care. At that time it looked like my wife would have to stay at the center for an extended period of time. I discussed the article with my children and we made an appointment with your firm. You spent over an hour with us and indicated actions that could be taken to protect the limited assets we had while getting my wife qualified for medicaid.I really didn’t see how that could be accomplished but the kids thought we should take the step and retain your firm to assist us. During the next month we worked closely with Ms. Grace Everitt to document our family finances. She suggested several actions we should take to separate our assets. Ms. Everitt made contact with the medicaid office and completed the very extensive medicaid application. Just before my wife’s medicare coverage expired she was able to return home but still required a lot of care. Ms. Everitt updated the medicaid application and my wife qualified for in-home medicaid coverage in April. She now has help coming to our home 6 days a week all covered by medicaid, with no loss of our family assets.Without the help of you and Ms. Everitt , we would have exhausted our family assets before getting the aid my wife needed. As I told Ms. Everitt, I didn’t think it could be accomplished but you did it. It was one of the best decisions we ever made and money well spent. Thanks to Ms. Everitt and your firm, we still have our home, a few dollars still in the bank, and most importantly, my wife is able to be in our home with the help that she needs.Thank you all from the bottom of my heart,
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