Why is Dementia Different for Women Than it is for Men?

Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2017, 72-year-old Anne still enjoys puzzles, sewing, and watercolor painting. New activities are less appealing to her and she is becoming a lot more forgetful lately and in need of assistance with … [Read more...]

How Alzheimer’s is Different for Women and Men

Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s four years ago, 75-year-old Elaine still enjoys jigsaw puzzles, knitting, and dancing. She manages day-to-day life with the help of a GPS tracker – prompted after a trip on the wrong bus – and with … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: Why Do Women Get Alzheimer’s More than Men?

Dear Angel,I read that women get Alzheimer’s more often than men. Do you know of any scientific reasons why this happens?Thanks in advance,Alice Heimersen-Wemmen----Dear Alice,Among people who are 71 and … [Read more...]

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