Critter Corner: Why Would an 18-Year-Old Need a Power of Attorney?

Dear Raider,A friend told me that when her son headed to college, they had a Power of Attorney drafted for him. Isn’t 18 way too young to think about these types of things? Why would an 18-year-old need a Power of Attorney or … [Read more...]

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Family Feuding Over the Power of Attorney Decision

Maddie was asked by her mother to assume the role of agent under her Power of Attorney, entrusting her to act on her mother's behalf and to place her mother's interests ahead of her own when the time comes. Maddie lives the … [Read more...]

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The “Power” of Peace of Mind

Incapacity Planning is perhaps the most fundamental type of estate planning and yet it is also the most important.  Life is unpredictable; even someone in perfect health can become incapacitated from an accident or unforeseen … [Read more...]

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