Q. I have been watching the documentary Limitless, with Chris Hemsworth, on Disney+. It’s been fascinating to see what he is doing to stay young and stave off disease. I haven’t seen all of the episodes but read somewhere that … [Read more...]
Print This PageApril Is Organ Donation Month: What You MUST Do if You Are Considering Organ Donation
Q. I have heard so many stories about organ donation, mostly positive. I’ve read about how many people need organs and how many lives just one person who is an organ and/or tissue donor can save. I think I may want to sign up, and … [Read more...]
Print This Page95-year-old Becomes Oldest Organ Donor in US History
Cecil Lockhart was a 95-year-old veteran from West Virginia. He worked in the West Virginia coal mines for more than 50 years, and also served as a corporal in the United States Army during World War II. He was married to his … [Read more...]
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