Should Nursing Homes Reopen to Visitors?

Q. My mother, Betty, is in a nursing home in Richmond. Although she has advanced dementia, I could tell that she always enjoyed our family’s visits. Her face always brightened when she saw me, my wife, and her grandchildren. She … [Read more...]

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Is Driving Cessation a Risk Factor for Long-Term Care?

Olivia has always enjoyed driving. She loves the wind in her hair as she drives on Main Street with the top down on her convertible, a retirement present she bought for herself. She enjoys the independence she feels when she gets … [Read more...]

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What Can I Do to Help the DC Area First Responders and Healthcare Workers?

Q. My mother, Anna, is in a local nursing home and receives exemplary care from the nurses, doctors, and health aides there. I want to do something to give back to them and to others on the frontline in the DC Metro Area who are … [Read more...]

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Are They Moving Coronavirus Patients into Nursing Homes?

Q. My mother, Phyllis, is in a nursing home in Northern Virginia. I heard that across the country, they are moving coronavirus patients into nursing homes. I understand that my mom is quarantined to her room, but I still think … [Read more...]

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Critter Corner: How to Assess if Your Senior Loved One Is Being Well Cared for in Assisted Living

Dear Oakley,My mother has been in assisted living for a few months. I don’t hear much about how she is doing and due to my hectic work schedule, I don’t visit as much as I would like. I am planning on going with the family … [Read more...]

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Bait and Switch: When You’re Not Getting the Care You Were Promised in Assisted Living

Q. When my friend, Vicki, was shopping around for assisted living facilities for her mother, one in particular stood out to her. The lovely marketing materials showed beautiful landscaping, rooms that resemble those at a classy … [Read more...]

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A Major Change to Therapy/Rehabilitation Coverage for Medicare Patients

Q. At age 62, my father, Paul, was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). He can’t walk, get out of bed, or breathe on his own (he’s on a ventilator). He can’t use the toilet, bathe, or dress himself, either. After a … [Read more...]

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How to Afford Assisted Living

Q. We are considering assisted living for my father in the not so distant future. He doesn’t quite need a nursing home yet, but he certainly needs more help than we can provide in the home. Although assisted living is not as … [Read more...]

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Can You Still Live Alone if You Have Early-Stage Alzheimer’s?

When Kimberly was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, she took it as a devastating blow. She experienced the gamut of emotions anyone would feel after such a shocking discovery about oneself, including shock, denial, and … [Read more...]

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Top 19 Articles of 2019

Those who read our newsletter or follow our blog know that we covered a lot of ground in 2019. This past year, the Federal Tax Act increased the federal estate and gift tax exemption from $11.18 million dollars per person to $11.4 … [Read more...]

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