How Having a Special Needs Loved One Affects Estate Planning and Retirement Planning

Q. Our daughter, Sophie, has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She is verbal, but needs lots of help academically and with her social skills. She may not be able to live independently when she becomes an adult. When it comes to … [Read more...]

Why Special Needs Planning Is Even More Important During a Pandemic (Part 4 of a 4-part Series)

In what was originally a three-part series, I have decided to add one more essential part about special needs planning and why it’s especially important during a pandemic. In part one of this series, I discussed why estate … [Read more...]

Researchers Find 102 Genes Linked to Autism

Tommy and Henry Stevens are identical twins who were born slightly premature and met their milestones later than others their age. As they became toddlers, they still didn’t say a word. Doctors explained to their mother that there … [Read more...]

Top 19 Articles of 2019

Those who read our newsletter or follow our blog know that we covered a lot of ground in 2019. This past year, the Federal Tax Act increased the federal estate and gift tax exemption from $11.18 million dollars per person to $11.4 … [Read more...]

A Major Shift in Autism Research

Q. My son, Tyler, has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He is verbal but he prefers to be alone and he avoids social situations whenever he can. My neighbor’s son, Christopher, who is also on the spectrum, is completely non-verbal … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: What Happens to Adults with Autism Who “Age Out”?

Dear Bebe,There is a lot of funding for research about early diagnosis and early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there doesn’t seem to be much attention paid to adults with ASD. My … [Read more...]

How Could Something Used to Treat Autism Also Be Used to Treat Dementia?

Kevin’s mother, Lydia, takes him for Interactive Metronome therapy twice a week to improve his focus. She decided to give this therapy a try, with hopes that he could better sit still in class and attend to learning. Kevin has an … [Read more...]

Critter Corner: What Happens When a Person with Autism Becomes an Adult?

Dear Bebe, My niece, Amelia, has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but is high-functioning. What happens to most children with ASD when they transition to adulthood? Thanks!Will … [Read more...]

Why the White House Glowed Blue on Monday

Clay is 13 years old and has never flown in an airplane. His mom, Jennifer, avoided taking him to the airport because he gets overly anxious when he is among big crowds and lots of noise. This year, his grandmother was celebrating … [Read more...]

Is Alzheimer’s a Spectrum Disease, Similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Mary, a retired college professor, was unhappy when her ophthalmologist insisted that she stop driving. It happened when Mary informed her about her Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Mary’s vision hadn’t changed in 10 years, and she felt … [Read more...]

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