Today, two key cases concerning the constitutionality of the hotly debated federal health care law took place in the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. The two cases: Liberty University v. Geithner, No. 10-2347, and Commonwealth v. Sebelius, No. 11-1057. The audio of the oral arguments are now available for download! Click here to listen.
Here is the District Court Opinion from Liberty. The court in that case granted the defendant’s (federal government) motion to dismiss the case. In opining on possible application of The Guarantee Clause, the court said:
“[T]his case . . . turns on atypical and uncharted applications of constitutional law interwoven with subtle political undercurrents. The outcome of this case has significant public policy implications. And the final word will undoubtedly reside with a higher court.”
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Image: jscreationzs / Evan H. Farr on Google +
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