Informal Home Care Could Result in Medicaid Ineligibility

Betty Jensen was an elderly woman with dementia, who resided in her home in Muskegon, Michigan. In May 2011, when she needed assistance, her concerned grandson, Jason, acted on her behalf and hired a non-relative, Teresa … [Read more...]

A New Act to Help Special Needs Families

 Q. My 9-year-old daughter, Noelle, is intellectually disabled. The costs for her therapy and assistive technology are quite high, and we are in the process of applying for government assistance (SSI).Despite our struggles … [Read more...]

Virginia 529 Prepaid Education Plan Limited Time Open Enrollment: Plan Ahead for Your Child or Grandchild

We all dream of the day when our child or grandchild is accepted to college. From the time he or she is diapers, we begin planning for great things. We drive them to soccer, gymnastics, and music lessons in hopes that they are … [Read more...]

Those who are aware of Medicaid, but misinformed and confused

If you are confused or mistaken about the rules of gifting in the context of Medicaid qualification, you likely won't ever venture into the practice of Medicaid Asset Protection.  If you do practice Medicaid Asset Protection, … [Read more...]

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