Ever get a sign from a deceased loved one or felt the person’s presence — perhaps a through a familiar scent, a tactile sensation, or the lights flickering at just the right moment? These feelings of contact can certainly be a … [Read more...]
Print This PageAfter-Death Communication—A Comforting Presence
February 5, 2018 by Evan H Farr, CELA, CAP
Filed Under: death and dying Tagged With: After-death communication, ADC
Now You Can Clone Grandma — April Fool’s Joke . . . or Not?
April 1, 2016 by Evan H Farr, CELA, CAP
Q. I am very close with my 100-year-old grandmother, Emily. She is a remarkable, accomplished woman who went to college (which was rare in her time) and became a successful brain surgeon. She is also a very talented artist. I … [Read more...]
Print This PageFiled Under: death and dying Tagged With: Elder Law Blogs & News, aging, advance medical directive, cloning, death, dying, memorialize, grief, robot clones, Terasem, April Fools